| ALL of the Athalye Group companies are cash-rich and free of any debt
| 35+ years of PROVEN track record of the group
| Trusted by Global MNCs and End customers spanning 30+ countries all over the world, in all continents!
| Strong management with growth mindset and Vision

| Salary of employees has NEVER been delayed in the last 35 years
| Focus on Employee Engagement through Training, Empowerment, Delegation, Team Work & Optimistic Culture.
| High performing employees have consistently earned up to 30% more than their promised CTC Package.
| Open-minded, Honest & Just Culture
| A blend of young, dynamic team with experienced experts
| A culture of Innovation, Creativity, Growth & Profit
| A culture where employees are given freedom to take ownership of their work, and are not micro-managed
| To target, acquire and retain large global MNCs as Customers
| To create an Indian brand with Global presence.
| To learn, develop and grow your skillsets
| To handle a larger & broader Role / Function
| To visit International Customers

| Vision to grow the companies to become global leaders in our areas of business
| Clear strategies on how to achieve Time-line based visions (Near Term & Long Term)
| Focus on employee wellbeing, growth and enrichment
| Focus on Profit & Cash-generation
| Customer oriented approach
| Sharing of wealth with stakeholders & employees
Positions currently open :
I. Asst. Manager (Production Department) - ARK Noise Control (India)
Experience required : Minimum 3 years in Project Planning & fabrication
Minimum Qualification : B.E. (Industrial / Mechanical / Production)
Relevant experience will get preference.
II. Application Engineer (Sales & Marketing) - ARK Noise Control (India)
Experience required : 1~2 years in B2B Sales / Marketing / Business Development
Candidates with B.E.(Mech) will be preferred.
III. Intern - Marketing - ARK Noise Control (India)
Duration : 2~6 Months
Requirements : B.E. (Mechanical) Students / B.E. (Production) Students / MBA (Marketing) Students can apply for this internship. The Applicant must have a good command over Spoken/Written English, as most of our clients are Multi-National Companies. Candidates must possess their own 2-wheeler for travelling.
Work Experience required : None
How to apply : Email your CV to - jobs@arknoise.co.in